Rental Rates

Arian a ddyfynnwyd: Euros €

cyfraddau rhent ar gyfer yr eiddo cyfan.

Disgrifiad O i wythnosol isafswm Aros
01 Meh 25 30 Meh 25 €4200 7 nosweithiau
01 Gor 25 31 Awst 25 €4700 7 nosweithiau
01 Medi 25 30 Medi 25 €4200 7 nosweithiau
  • Quiet, Scenic Location
  • 5 Mins Drive to Beach
  • Private Swimming Pool
  • No steps
  • wild area , away from mass tourism
  • Adults Only
Tywydd cyfredol
Tywydd cyfredol
Partly cloudy
Guest Sylwadau

Having stayed twice in recent years at this magical property I can only say that it is probably one of the most beautiful places in Crete - the way you have both sea and mountain surrounding you, the ...

Laura Coroianu