Getting Here

For direct driving route from Heraklion Airport to Villa Mirabello , search Villa Mirabello Tholos Kavousi in Google Maps

As soon as you turn left in the middle of Kavousi village , you need to follow this sign in 1 km. This sign indicate your direct route to Villa Mirabello ( 4 km of dirt road )



Crete Island can be reached by plane and by ferryboat. The closest international airport is Heraklion (90 km far) which has direct flights (charter flights) from all over Europe , starting end of April till end of October.  

A hired car is essential. There are plenty Rent a Car companies inside and outside the airport. Have a look here  

Due to long distances and some moderate dirty roads , we advice you to rent a bigger car if you are more than 3 persons.

Within minutes of leaving Heraklion Airport , you take the main road to East heading Kavousi via Agios Nikolaos on the E75/EO90.

Total driving time from the airport is 1hr 20 mins for 90 km. 

From Pireus Port in Athens there are several available ferryboats to Heraklion Port Crete. The ferry trip takes about 8 hours and they are available daytime and night time. For a ferryboat booking from Pireus to Heraklion check one of the most important ferryboats operator here


  • Scenic mountain & sea view
  • 5 mins drive to the beach
  • Private swimming pool
  • Single floor layout, step free entryway, no stairs, comfortable for senior guests
  • Wild area, away from mass tourism
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Partly cloudy
Guest Comments

Simply magical! Time stops, your senses open up and you just can’t get enough of every moment. If pictures look amazing prepare to be absolutely amazed by the reality. The comfort is sustained also by ...

Adi Vasile